Enable HTTPS connectivity to Storefront – Issuing certificates

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  • #41225
    • Total Post: 9
    • Regular Joe
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    I would like to secure the connection between the WYSE Xenith device and Citrix Storefront.
    I currently do not have a functioning WDM

    My query is regarding how I issue a certificate to the WYSE zero client end point, from an internal Certificate Authority?

    Thanks Anthony

    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
    • ★★★★★★★

    This is really easy.
    You just have to import the Root certificate of your CA to the thin client.
    If you are using a webserver to distribute a xen.ini or wnos.ini, you can simply copy the certificate to the wnos\cacerts folder and put AddCertificate=name_of_your_cert.crt.
    If not, copy the cert on a FAT32 formatted USB stick and import it on the client via Network-Security-Certificate Center.


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