Reply To: WDM Silent Install

  • Total Post: 11
  • Regular Joe
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12:12:03|Setup.Rul|1354| OnAbort()::Enter
12:12:03|Setup.Rul|1591| ResetDataAccessVersion Begin
12:12:03|Setup.Rul|1598| Root key Sucessfully Set to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.
12:12:03|Setup.Rul|1621| ResetDataAccessVersion End
12:12:03|Setup.Rul|1383| OnAbort()::Exit

Just for the record:

1. Installation works fine if I run setup.exe from a command box and manually complete the install

2. I get exactly the same thing if I run setup -s with a blank unattend.ini

3. I’m logged in as a domain admin.

4. Nothing is reported in the event logs.